Friday, August 2, 2013

Tash's Brain Fade Moments: Episode 2

Today's brain fade moment is a doozy. So much so that I was told not to post it, because it's too weird. However, I decided to post it anyway. 

I dedicate this post to my #spoonie friends, who will understand what it's like when the brain behaves strangely like this! 
Here goes...

I would assume that most, if not all of you, are familiar with the fact that radio and mobile reception tends to cut out when driving through a tunnel. In this particular case, the tunnel in question is the Mullum Mullum tunnel on the Eastlink tollway.

I was in the passenger seat of my friend's car, listening to my friend as she chatted away about 19th century theology, which, in fact, I find quite an interesting topic. We were on the way back from an appointment and so I was, of course, very tired. As we approached the tunnel, I found myself thinking "Oh, we're coming up to the tunnel! I don't want to miss out on what Janet is saying... I should quickly cut in and ask her to please hold that thought until we get out of the tunnel..."

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