Hello Everyone!
Well, I have had my Lyme testing results emailed through to me, so I have a bit more of an idea as to whether or not I might have Lyme Disease. However, I am waiting to see my specialist on Wednesday to find out what someone who knows a lot more about these things than I do makes of my test results. Can I just say, that it is wonderful to have a doctor who knows much more about a number of things relating to my health than I do. This is not often the case anymore! After I have seen my specialist, I will let you all know the outcome.
In the meantime, here is another of my brain fade moments to keep you entertained...
Tash's Brain Fade Moments: Episode 4
I had a huge day today, attending the baptism of a very special young lady this morning, followed by a celebration lunch afterwards. As such, I was very tired this evening. The perfect situation for a brain fade moment.
I struggle with photosensitivity. Artificial lighting such as fluorescent or LED lighting is particularly draining and difficult for me at the best of times. I have the brightness on my laptop, TV & phone turned right down.
This evening my housemates had the bright overhead lights in the lounge room turned on. I was struggling to cope as I ate dinner, however I didn't want to take my food & meds upstairs and miss out on the latest episode of 'Suits' (such a great show!). So, I put on my sunglasses, as I sometimes do.
Having put on my sunglasses, I picked up my fork and collected a mouthful of food with it, ready to recommence the eating of my meal. However, with the fork halfway up to my face, I suddenly stopped.
Lifting that forkful of food, the thought had come into my mind, "can I actually still get the fork into my mouth with my sunglasses on? Or will I have to take them off to be able to eat my dinner?"
Thankfully, it only took me a second to work out that yes, I would be able to get that forkful of food into my mouth. Even while wearing sunglasses.
...and here's a little bonus brain fade for you: I managed to put on a second bra this morning, immediately after putting on the first one. Not sure how long it would have taken me to realise what I had done if I hadn't looked in the mirror at that moment...
I'm SO glad i'm not the only one dealing with brain fog!! It's frustrating but often funny too-- I'm glad you're sharing the humorous side of it! Thanks :)