Hello everyone :)
What a crazy and wonderful couple of months it has been for Caribbean Pink!
I do apologise for not writing an update last month. I've been struggling a bit more with managing my own health recently, and so was not able to write an update for August. This update will cover both August and September.
Since the creation of the Caribbean Pink Facebook page in July, the number of 'likes' has been steadily increasing. As at October 2, the page has 144 likes! Personally, I find that both incredible and wonderful!
You can find, and point friends and family in the direction of the Caribbean Pink Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/ RoomRefreshingService
August saw the creation of the Caribbean Pink logo by the extremely talented Tim of In-Flux Graphic Design. Tim designed both a full logo, for use on letterheads and such, as well as a smaller logo that we will use for other purposes. What's more, he did this for us pro-bono! To check out the work that Tim and in-flux graphic design do, take a look at their website: www.in- fluxgraphicdesign.com
September has been a massive month for Caribbean Pink, with our very first fundraiser! We raised over $700 to go towards Caribbean Pink's start up fund through selling custom made Caribbean Pink candles, crafted by Ancient Light. 102 candles were sold during September! This fundraiser could never have happened without the incredible and generous Allison at Ancient Light Candles. She has gone above and beyond to make this happen for us this month, doing everything that she can to maximise the money raised. If you bought one of these candles and think they are as magnificent as I do, if you just happen to love candles, or know someone else who loves candles, please do visit the Ancient Light page and purchase some of her other magnificent candle creations. The Ancient Light Facebook page can be found at: www.facebook.com/ AncientLightCandles
Also during the past month, we received a very generous and thoughtful donation from a married couple who support the vision of Caribbean Pink. This couple bought and donated two digital photo frames, and USBs, to be given to, and included in the room refreshing of, two Caribbean Pink 'clients' once the service is up and running. Digital photo frames are a great idea as they provide something different to look, changing scenery, for someone who is stuck in the same environment day in, day out, hour after hour. A big thanks for this donation!
Looking forward for the months of October and November, my big focus for this month will be to work with Ringwood Church of Christ, who will 'host' the Caribbean Pink service, to confirm the steps that will be taken to recruit volunteers and do everything that needs to be done for this service to start operating within the next few months (or as soon as possible). I am also looking into other possible grant/funding sources. November will see our next fundraiser, which will be an auction of various donated goods. If you have something that you would like to donate to this auction, please do contact me via email, or through the Caribbean Pink Facebook page.
Lastly, I would like to share a quote from a beautiful young lady, speaking of why she sees a service like Caribbean Pink to be so important and life giving:
"I became bedridden from the ages of 13 to 16. In the years that should have been the most exciting of my young life, I was surrounded by the same four walls, fading paint and the reminder that my life hadn't turned out quite like I had imagined. I required 24 hour care, and my Dad worked so hard to make my bedroom an escape as opposed to a prison. There was new paint, artwork, flowers and a new bedspread, candles and lamps. I am so very blessed that my parents were able to do this for me, however there are so many others who are not as lucky as me. They do not have anyone to grant them this paradise within their four walls, and their pain is no less.
Caribbean Pink will not just be giving a bedroom a makeover; They will give someone a paradise to wake up to each and every day, and a reminder that someone cares about them. Most of all, they will know that they matter. And that is the greatest gift of all" Jess, 21, Connective Tissue Disorder.
That's the lot for this month. A reminder that if you know of anyone who may want to be involved, either through volunteering in any capacity, or making a donation of goods or finances, please do share this vision with them, and ask them to contact me at caribbeanpink.natasha@gmail.co m. I am also more than happy for you to make suggestions, or ask me any questions you might have about the process of getting this service up and running, and how I envision it operating.
Thank you SO very much to all the Caribbean Pink supporters for your ongoing support and encouragement.